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Course Descriptions

SOC 210 - Introduction to Global Studies

3 Credits

Individuals, local communities, business enterprises, and nation-states are today inextricably involved in and affected by global relationships. This course provides an overview of the emergence and characteristics of global, social, economic, political, and ecological interdependence. In analyzing global problems, students evaluate and consider alternative strategies to address global inequities including class, gender and global racism. Students also assess their individual needs in the context of human survival and global interdependence.

Learning Attributes: WR, GR

New SUNY General Education: SUNY - Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice, SUNY - World History and Global Awareness

Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-OWC - Other World Civilizations (SOW2)

MCC General Education: MCC-GLO - Global Understanding (MGLO), MCC-SSD - Social Science and Diversity (MSSD)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the process of globalization.
2. Explain the historical context of the Global North and Global South.
3. Discuss global race, class, and gender inequality through an informed perspective of global economics.
4. Discuss global power and privilege through an informed perspective of global politics.
5. Examine global identity through an informed perspective of global culture.
6. Examine global development and structural causes of inequality such as race, class, and gender.
7. Analyze a specific global interdependent relationship between two countries or two global regions based on historical or current research.
8. Utilize writing to communicate an understanding, application, analysis or evaluation of material covered in this course.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025